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Ukrainian messaging is all over the shop. Defence minister: "We are going to liberate all our territories, all of it all, including Crimea. Crimea is a strategic objective for Ukraine because it's Ukrainian territory. But we will move step by step."
Surrealismo. Ciudadanos de la Federación Rusa de la Legión de Rusia Libre que luchan por Ucrania capturaron a ciudadanos ucranianos de las formaciones LDNR que luchan por Rusia
El Kremlin califica de "fútiles" las entregas de armas occidentales a Ucrania, coincidiendo con la visita del presidente francés, el canciller alemán y el jefe de gobierno italiano a Kiev
Los HIMARS y los HARPOONS pican más que meterse un chile por el hojaldre
"Los intentos de intimidar al patriarca de la Iglesia rusa o de forzarlo a renunciar a sus opiniones son insensatas, absurdas y sin sentido", dice el portavoz de la Iglesia, Vladimir Legoyda, tras las sanciones impuestas por Reino Unido a su líder, el patriarca Kirill
Un respeto al yayo que es un oligarca con movilidad reducida y dificultades para abastecerse de furcias exóticas
Bonus plus
Los nombres de los papas y patriarcas lo tradicional es traducirlos siempre que sea posible. Y lo es. Cirilo mejor.
Hello @elonmusk! Twitter restricted access to Dmitry Rogozin after a tweet about Ukraine.
You promised that there would be freedom of speech on Twitter. Will you unban Mr. Rogozin when you are in charge?
Guns4Ukraine: la iniciativa de Miami para retirar armas de las calles y enviarlas a Ucrania
Por cada arma que se entregue, su propietario recibirá una tarjeta de regalo: de USD 100 por un rifle o escopeta y de USD 150 si se trata de un rifle de alto poder de destrucción como el AK-47, AR-15 o de calibre 223
La iniciativa #guns4ukraine, impulsada por el comisionado Ken Russell en colaboración con el Departamento de Policía de Miami, intenta recoger el mayor número posible de armas ilegales o no de la calle y enviarlas como ayuda al país invadido por Rusia.
La entrega podrá realizarse el próximo sábado en el cabildo de la ciudad y “no se preguntará ninguna cuestión” al que decida desprenderse del arma.
La proposición que se me antoja más sensata sobre las armas en EEUU la acaba de poner sobre la mesa un demócrata
No le veo un puto pero, todo parece ser ventajas
Mis dieses
European fans of frogs, liverwurst and spaghetti love visiting Kiev. With zero use. Promised EU membership and old howitzers to Ukraine, lushed up on gorilka and went home by train, like 100 years ago. All is well. Yet, it won’t bring Ukraine closer to peace. The clock’s ticking
Solo se refiere a los natsis de Azov, su actitud no es nada macarra y ya está bien de que se manipulen sus palabras
Llamar a Macron fan de las ranas no es muy diplomático.
Los pilotos de helicópteros; ya que los pilotos de aviones vuelan a gran altitud en zonas sin cobertura de S-300. Sin embargo, se muestran muy limitados para tener "superioridad área".
El servicio secreto de los Países Bajos impide que un espía ruso trabaje para la CPI.
Según el Servicio General de Inteligencia y Seguridad de los Países Bajos, Sergey Cherkasov, vinculado al servicio secreto militar de Rusia, intentó convertirse en pasante de la Corte Penal Internacional.
Desde que le reventaron el avión de compatriotas a los holandeses no les cuelan ya los rusos ni media
Ni cuatro meses de conflicto y ya están intentando salvar el culo de los sillones de La Haya
La bala era buena pero apuntó para el lado contrario Mao cuando dijo eso de "Tigre de Papel"
Los pilotos de helicópteros; ya que los pilotos de aviones vuelan a gran altitud en zonas sin cobertura de S-300. Sin embargo, se muestran muy limitados para tener "superioridad área".
La próxima vez que @liusivaya tuitee lloritis y quejitas porque llegan M777 a Ucrania habrá que recordarle que en Mariupol la artillería era TODA rusa.
(imagen sensible)
y las flechettes, y las minas prohibidas y la munición termobárica, y la termita incendiaria...
Las formaciones armadas de Ucrania utilizan municiones de racimo francesas que están prohibidas y armas de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) para atacar #Donetsk - este martes el Comité de Investigación de Rusia
European fans of frogs, liverwurst and spaghetti love visiting Kiev. With zero use. Promised EU membership and old howitzers to Ukraine, lushed up on gorilka and went home by train, like 100 years ago. All is well. Yet, it won’t bring Ukraine closer to peace. The clock’s ticking
Solo se refiere a los natsis de Azov, su actitud no es nada macarra y ya está bien de que se manipulen sus palabras
Llamar a Macron fan de las ranas no es muy diplomático.
Tampoco lo es llamar al HdPutin un criminal asesino, desde el punto de vista diplomático.
Ukrainian intelligence has obtained (and leaked) classified construction documents on the Kerch Strait Bridge.
Que ese puente es objetivo prioritario lo saben hasta los gatos tártaros
Ahora está, por fin, a rango de la artillería ucraniana y tienen los planos de construcción rusos.
Que no es que sea algo determinante más allá de mandar el mensaje y señalar las carencias de la inteligencia del invasor.
Lavrov: Russia is not squeaky clean and not ashamed
Since the Russian army attacked Ukraine nearly four months ago, thousands of civilians have been killed and whole towns reduced to rubble, while millions of Ukrainians have fled their homes.
But on Thursday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov looked me in the eye and told me things were not as they seemed.
"We didn't invade Ukraine," he claimed.
"We declared a special military operation because we had absolutely no other way of explaining to the West that dragging Ukraine into Nato was a criminal act."
Since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, Mr Lavrov has given only a few interviews to Western media.
He repeated the official Kremlin line that there were Nazis in Ukraine. Russian officials often claim that their military is "de-Nazifying" the country. Mr Lavrov caused uproar recently when he tried to justify the Nazi slur regarding Ukraine's president, who is Jewish, by making the ridiculous claim that Adolf Hitler had "Jewish blood".
I quoted to him an official United Nations report about the Ukrainian village of Yahidne, in Chernihiv region, which states that "360 residents, including 74 children and five persons with disabilities, were forced by Russian armed forces to stay for 28 days in the basement of a school… There were no toilet facilities, water…10 older people died".
"Is that fighting Nazis?" I asked.
"It's a great pity," Mr Lavrov said, "but international diplomats, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Secretary-General and other UN representatives, are being put under pressure by the West. And very often they're being used to amplify fake news spread by the West."
"Russia is not squeaky clean. Russia is what it is. And we are not ashamed of showing who we are."
Mr Lavrov, 72, has represented Russia on the international stage for the past 18 years, but Western sanctions have now been imposed on both him and his daughter.
The US has accused him of pursuing a false narrative of Ukraine as the aggressor, and of direct responsibility for Russia's invasion as a member of its Security Council.
I then turned to Russian relations with the UK. It is on Russia's official list of unfriendly countries, and I suggested that to say relations were bad was an understatement.
"I don't think there's even room for manoeuvre any more," Mr Lavrov told me, "because both [Prime Minister Boris] Johnson and [Liz] Truss say openly that we should defeat Russia, we should force Russia to its knees. Go on, then, do it!"
It was last month that the UK foreign secretary said Russia's Vladimir Putin was humiliating himself on the world stage and that "we must ensure he faces a defeat in Ukraine".
When I asked Mr Lavrov how he viewed the UK now, he said it was "once again sacrificing the interests of its people for the sake of political ambitions".
I asked him about two British men recently sentenced to death by Russian separatists in occupied eastern Ukraine.
When I pointed out that in the eyes of the West, it was Russia that was responsible for their fate, he responded: "I am not interested in the eyes of the West at all. I am only interested in international law. According to international law, mercenaries are not recognised as combatants."
I replied that the men had served in the Ukrainian armed forces and were not mercenaries, and Mr Lavrov said that should be decided by a court.
He then accused the BBC of not uncovering the truth of what had been happening to civilians in separatist-held areas of eastern Ukraine, "when civilians were being bombed by Kyiv's troops for eight years".
I stressed that over the course of six years, the BBC had many times contacted the leadership in the separatist-run areas asking for permission to go and see what was happening. We were refused entry every single time.
Russia has accused Ukraine of genocide. However, in 2021, eight civilians were killed in the rebel-held areas, according to self-proclaimed pro-Russian "officials", and seven the year before. While every death was a tragedy, I said, that did not constitute a genocide.
I suggested that if genocide really had taken place, then the Luhansk and Donetsk separatists would have been interested in us going there. Why were we not let in, I asked.
Y repito, esos K-52 en el momento de mayor bonanza de Chávez comprando armas rusas, no los pudo comprar, a pesar que el ejercito se los pedía, por el costo excesivo de cada unidad. A los rusos se los están matando como moscas.
Ucrania, pese a haber mandado muchos refuerzos al este (la legión georgiana entera por ejemplo), sigue avanzando líneas
No se esperan ni avances ni retrocesos descomunales por ninguna de las partes, todo seguirá igual de lento, pero la posición rusa en la zona es realmente comprometida. Ya, a día de hoy, las líneas de suministro de la ciudad más grande capturada por Rusia están al alcance de las baterías ucranianas
Los HIMARS y los HARPOONS pican más que meterse un chile por el hojaldre
Un respeto al yayo que es un oligarca con movilidad reducida y dificultades para abastecerse de furcias exóticas
Bonus plus
Los nombres de los papas y patriarcas lo tradicional es traducirlos siempre que sea posible. Y lo es. Cirilo mejor.
Región de Bélgorod, Rusia
Es lo que tiene el vodka de buena mañana
La proposición que se me antoja más sensata sobre las armas en EEUU la acaba de poner sobre la mesa un demócrata
No le veo un puto pero, todo parece ser ventajas
Mis dieses
Llamar a Macron fan de las ranas no es muy diplomático.
Se habla mucho de los carros y los javelin pero creo que los pilotos rusos tienen aún más pesadillas que los tanquistas
Los pilotos de helicópteros; ya que los pilotos de aviones vuelan a gran altitud en zonas sin cobertura de S-300. Sin embargo, se muestran muy limitados para tener "superioridad área".
Ni cuatro meses de conflicto y ya están intentando salvar el culo de los sillones de La Haya
La bala era buena pero apuntó para el lado contrario Mao cuando dijo eso de "Tigre de Papel"
Quédome muerta der to
Con un Stugna se cobran un K-52
Date cuen
Ponle sonido. Los artilleros ni se lo creen xD
Tenerlos o no tenerlos de vecinos, that's the question
y las flechettes, y las minas prohibidas y la munición termobárica, y la termita incendiaria...
49.96194, 36.11996
Si tan preocupada está Rusia por las bombas de racimo lo mejor que puede hacer es firmar la puta convención y dejar de usarlas
Tampoco lo es llamar al HdPutin un criminal asesino, desde el punto de vista diplomático.
Ahora está, por fin, a rango de la artillería ucraniana y tienen los planos de construcción rusos.
Que no es que sea algo determinante más allá de mandar el mensaje y señalar las carencias de la inteligencia del invasor.
Lavrov: Russia is not squeaky clean and not ashamed
Since the Russian army attacked Ukraine nearly four months ago, thousands of civilians have been killed and whole towns reduced to rubble, while millions of Ukrainians have fled their homes.
But on Thursday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov looked me in the eye and told me things were not as they seemed.
"We didn't invade Ukraine," he claimed.
"We declared a special military operation because we had absolutely no other way of explaining to the West that dragging Ukraine into Nato was a criminal act."
Since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, Mr Lavrov has given only a few interviews to Western media.
He repeated the official Kremlin line that there were Nazis in Ukraine. Russian officials often claim that their military is "de-Nazifying" the country. Mr Lavrov caused uproar recently when he tried to justify the Nazi slur regarding Ukraine's president, who is Jewish, by making the ridiculous claim that Adolf Hitler had "Jewish blood".
I quoted to him an official United Nations report about the Ukrainian village of Yahidne, in Chernihiv region, which states that "360 residents, including 74 children and five persons with disabilities, were forced by Russian armed forces to stay for 28 days in the basement of a school… There were no toilet facilities, water…10 older people died".
"Is that fighting Nazis?" I asked.
"It's a great pity," Mr Lavrov said, "but international diplomats, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Secretary-General and other UN representatives, are being put under pressure by the West. And very often they're being used to amplify fake news spread by the West."
"Russia is not squeaky clean. Russia is what it is. And we are not ashamed of showing who we are."
Mr Lavrov, 72, has represented Russia on the international stage for the past 18 years, but Western sanctions have now been imposed on both him and his daughter.
The US has accused him of pursuing a false narrative of Ukraine as the aggressor, and of direct responsibility for Russia's invasion as a member of its Security Council.
I then turned to Russian relations with the UK. It is on Russia's official list of unfriendly countries, and I suggested that to say relations were bad was an understatement.
"I don't think there's even room for manoeuvre any more," Mr Lavrov told me, "because both [Prime Minister Boris] Johnson and [Liz] Truss say openly that we should defeat Russia, we should force Russia to its knees. Go on, then, do it!"
It was last month that the UK foreign secretary said Russia's Vladimir Putin was humiliating himself on the world stage and that "we must ensure he faces a defeat in Ukraine".
When I asked Mr Lavrov how he viewed the UK now, he said it was "once again sacrificing the interests of its people for the sake of political ambitions".
I asked him about two British men recently sentenced to death by Russian separatists in occupied eastern Ukraine.
When I pointed out that in the eyes of the West, it was Russia that was responsible for their fate, he responded: "I am not interested in the eyes of the West at all. I am only interested in international law. According to international law, mercenaries are not recognised as combatants."
I replied that the men had served in the Ukrainian armed forces and were not mercenaries, and Mr Lavrov said that should be decided by a court.
He then accused the BBC of not uncovering the truth of what had been happening to civilians in separatist-held areas of eastern Ukraine, "when civilians were being bombed by Kyiv's troops for eight years".
I stressed that over the course of six years, the BBC had many times contacted the leadership in the separatist-run areas asking for permission to go and see what was happening. We were refused entry every single time.
Russia has accused Ukraine of genocide. However, in 2021, eight civilians were killed in the rebel-held areas, according to self-proclaimed pro-Russian "officials", and seven the year before. While every death was a tragedy, I said, that did not constitute a genocide.
I suggested that if genocide really had taken place, then the Luhansk and Donetsk separatists would have been interested in us going there. Why were we not let in, I asked.
"I don't know," said Mr Lavrov.
Ese es el nivel
Y repito, esos K-52 en el momento de mayor bonanza de Chávez comprando armas rusas, no los pudo comprar, a pesar que el ejercito se los pedía, por el costo excesivo de cada unidad. A los rusos se los están matando como moscas.
Vuelve La Isla de las Serpientes, vuelve la ilusión
Tercera brigada tractoril en servicio
Hilo sobre el frente de Jersón
Ucrania, pese a haber mandado muchos refuerzos al este (la legión georgiana entera por ejemplo), sigue avanzando líneas
No se esperan ni avances ni retrocesos descomunales por ninguna de las partes, todo seguirá igual de lento, pero la posición rusa en la zona es realmente comprometida. Ya, a día de hoy, las líneas de suministro de la ciudad más grande capturada por Rusia están al alcance de las baterías ucranianas