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Lo de Rusia y Ucrania



  • lecorbu escribió : »

    Cantidad de casas desnazificadas. Putin debe tener una empresa de construccion y reformas para cuando conquistase Ucrania, forrarse.

    Eso ya lo han hecho en Siria, los contratistas rusos entraron allí a saco. Pero si lo hacen los yankis en Irak esta mal.
  • Azov es el Paracuellos de los hijos de Putin.
  • editado abril 2022 PM
    The European Commission seeks to ban Russian coal imports, impose sanctions on four Russian banks and ban Russian vessels from European Union ports. To block Russian shipping to Europe is the most important measure.
    Lo de los puertos es lo gordo
    Solo con que les niegue Rotterdam y Hamburgo ya supone tremenda patada en la bolsa escrotal de la ya de por si pobre economía rusa
  • editado abril 2022 PM
    NEW: Russia does not plan to rotate troops who committed atrocities in Bucha out of Ukraine: Ukrainian intelligence.
    Russia’s 64th Motorized Rifle Brigade of 35th CAA was withdrawn to Belarus & will be moved to Russia for 2 days rest before likely returning to combat in Kharkiv.
    Los enfermitos de OSINT están juntando un bote jugoso para entregárselo al primero que los geolocalice y espero estar en esa contienda. Bienvenidos a las guerras con sistemas abiertos de inteligencia :p
    Los artilleros ucranianos adivino que andarán igual de picados al respecto

    A YouTube video uploaded by the Ukrainian Police Force on 2 April casts doubt on claims of war crimes against Bucha civilians by Russian forces.

    News of the alleged war crime broke on 4 April (NZ Time). Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky described ‘bodies lying the streets of the suburbs of Irpin and Hostomel as well as Bucha.’ According to a report by AP (published by Stuff.co.nz), the bodies of 410 people had been found at various points around Bucha, including a group of 9 scattered around a site allegedly used by Russian troops as a base.

    It is hardly credible that Russian forces would commit such atrocities as they were withdrawing from the area as part of an agreed peace negotiation process, and knowing that the eyes of the world are on them. It also does not seem likely that the mayor of Bucha, nor the rest of the world for that matter, wouldn’t have known hundreds of civilian dead bodies lay on the streets of his small city on 30 March, or for the next five days.

    On the other hand, Ukrainian neo-Nazi ultranationalists have everything to gain from staging such an event, as they seek to prolong the war and secure NATO intervention and win the battle for Western public opinion.

    No mention of the atrocities was made in the Ukrainian Police Force video, or discovery of hundreds of dead bodies recorded. The video shows police clearing streets and meeting people in various parts of Bucha two days after the Russian withdrawal.


    A ver cómo lo se lo explicamos a los cuñaos.
  • En el tuiter de Juan Ramón Rallo se cita un gráfico basado en el PMI compuesto de Rusia que implicaría una caída del PIB superior al 10 por ciento, algo menos que en el peor momento del covid.
  • Hablo del presente, ergo hechos, los futuribles cuando lleguen.
  • ¿Ramón Rallo?

  • El organismo regulador ruso ha informado de que las páginas web del Ministerio de Defensa y del de Interior han desaparecido en los resultados de búsqueda para los usuarios rusos. Además, ha instado a la compañía a que explique los motivos por los que se tomó dicha decisión.
    "Tales acciones de Google violan los principios clave del libre flujo de información y el acceso sin trabas a ella por parte de los ciudadanos rusos", ha señalado Roskomnadzor en un comunicado.
    En el fondo son unos cachondos

  • Las fuerzas del orden rusas tienen información sobre la posible preparación del asesinato en la región de Chernihiv de varios residentes locales supuestamente por "ayudar" a las fuerzas rusas, dijo una fuente a RIA Novosti.

    "El 5 de abril, un ciudadano de Ucrania, Ruslan Bondarenko, mientras hablaba con un residente local no identificado llamado Igor, le pidió los datos de 'tres o cuatro ciudadanos, tantos como pueda', que podrían ser fusilados por proporcionar ayuda e información a miembros de las fuerzas armadas rusas".

    "Al mismo tiempo, Bondarenko dijo que le enviaría los 'criterios' o condiciones para la selección de esos ciudadanos"


    Se ve que en Bucha les salió el asunto redondo con tantos asesinados de manos atadas y con brazaletes blancos.
  • editado abril 2022 PM

    A YouTube video uploaded by the Ukrainian Police Force on 2 April casts doubt on claims of war crimes against Bucha civilians by Russian forces.

    Russian officials denied the allegations, claiming it was an event staged by Kiev in the days after their forces had left the area. Images distributed widely on Western media appeared to show the victim’s bodies had been recently killed, due to the fact rigor mortis was not apparent and exhibited fresh blood injuries. Russia has called an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council over the incident.

    Russian forces pulled out of Bucha on 30 March, as part of an agreed general withdrawal of troops from the Kiev area reached during ongoing negotiations between the two countries’ diplomats. On that day the mayor of Bucha stated on a live social media video that all Russian troops had been cleared from the city. He made no mention of the war crimes in that address.

    Bucha is a small city just outside Kiev, about the same size as Gisborne, with a population of 36,000.

    News of the alleged war crime broke on 4 April (NZ Time). Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky described ‘bodies lying the streets of the suburbs of Irpin and Hostomel as well as Bucha.’ According to a report by AP (published by Stuff.co.nz), the bodies of 410 people had been found at various points around Bucha, including a group of 9 scattered around a site allegedly used by Russian troops as a base.

    It is hardly credible that Russian forces would commit such atrocities as they were withdrawing from the area as part of an agreed peace negotiation process, and knowing that the eyes of the world are on them. It also does not seem likely that the mayor of Bucha, nor the rest of the world for that matter, wouldn’t have known hundreds of civilian dead bodies lay on the streets of his small city on 30 March, or for the next five days.

    On the other hand, Ukrainian neo-Nazi ultranationalists have everything to gain from staging such an event, as they seek to prolong the war and secure NATO intervention and win the battle for Western public opinion.

    No mention of the atrocities was made in the Ukrainian Police Force video, or discovery of hundreds of dead bodies recorded. The video shows police clearing streets and meeting people in various parts of Bucha two days after the Russian withdrawal.

    Many commenters noted the fact that no bodies ‘were in the streets’ as the media had claimed, and nor did any of the civilians recorded in the video talk about the wanton murder of civilians (translated):

    Ummm one question … Where are all the bodies that all our media are trumpeting about? The National Police was the first to enter Bucha, and then there was not a single body on the street (except for the first seconds) … And after entering, well, the police were already asking the media, and suddenly terrible shots appeared …

    Such a happy old lady at 7 minutes, not a drop of grief on her face, nor any regret.

    Great! Thank you for the video… now it’s clear when the corpses appeared on the streets… after this cleansing [by the Ukrainian Police Force].

    This is not the police. These are jesters and clowns)) there is no Russian Federation Armed Forces in the city and they behave so calmly. And where are the civilian bodies? Where?

    And why did the purge begin after the Russian troops left? From whom did they clean it? And why is there not a single corpse of civilians that everyone is talking about today? Or did they appear after this sweep? Weird.

    The same question as everyone else: where were those killed on the way at the time of the entry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine? The dead appeared later, under the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The state should protect citizens, not kill without trial and investigation!

    What happened? The Armed Forces of Ukraine took the abandoned city on the 2nd without corpses on the streets? Then why did a mountain of corpses appear on the streets on the 3rd after their cleansing? It turns out that during the night they shot all those who disagreed without trial or investigation?

    The Russian servicemen left Bucha on March 30, and on March 31, the mayor of Bucha stated on a video from the city that there was no Russian army in the city. A member of the Buchi city council posted a video on social media from April 3, and there are no bodies of civilians on the streets. How was it possible for these images of bodies to appear four days later? Where was the Ukrainian army and journalists all this time? Finally, why did the Ukrainian nationalist and former colleague of Tesak, Sergey “Botsman” Korotkikh, remove the video from social networks, on which these words are clearly distinguishable: “And the boys without blue armbands, can I shoot at them?” In a word, we have another staged action, to which Ukrainian media workers had a hand, and immediately abandoned in the editorial office of all Western media.

    Why are there no corpses on the streets in this video?


    Declaraciones de funcionarios rusos, negando los hechos. Si te parecen los van a reconocer.

    Te tienes que reir
  • editado abril 2022 PM

    Resultado de seguir las instrucciones de cuñaos en las redes sociales para hacer descarrilar trenes.

    ¿Qué podía salir mal?

  • #Russia El ejército deja a los muertos en #Ukraine , pero "evacua" las lavadoras y frigoríficos ucranianos.
  • Yo no veo ninguna lavadora y menos un frigorífico.

    ¿Sufrís del efecto cuñao?
  • editado abril 2022 PM
    lecorbu escribió : »
    Estoy seguro que la mitad o mas de los soldados enviados a Chernobyl, no conocian el accidente nuclear que tuvo lugar alli

    Es posible, aunque parezca mentira. Chernobyil es algo extraño para gente con menos de 30 años encima y que no tenga Netflix para ver la serie.

  • editado abril 2022 PM

    Se supone que la supuesta masacre de Bucha ocurrió el 11-12 de marzo, según fuentes ukronazis.

    Aquí el alcalde anuncia muy contento la "liberación" (bueno, en realidad los rusos se retiraron según lo acordado en la mesa de negociación) de la ciudad:

    No menciona la masacre ni los cientos de cuerpos pudriéndose en las calles desde hace varias semanas. Es el alcalde UKR que no había sido depuesto por las fuerzas rusas. En Bucha no se interrumpió el suministro eléctrico, las telecomunicaciones, el agua, etc. ¿Están todos ciegos en Bucha?
  • FPt_DlkXoAEhqeL?format=jpg&name=large
    Como en cualquier país que intervienen empiezan a aflorar los primeros decapitados
  • https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/collecting-bodies-in-bucha


    Iryna Havryliuk was one of thousands of Ukrainians who fled Bucha in early March, after Russian forces occupied a northern suburb of Kyiv. Her husband, Sergey, a forty-seven-year-old private security guard, decided to stay. The couple owned two dogs and six cats, which Sergey refused to abandon. Joining throngs of displaced civilians, Havryliuk crossed the icy currents of the Irpin River on a treacherous walkway composed of pallets and scrap lumber—which had been constructed beneath a bridge destroyed by an air strike. She eventually made it to Zakarpattia, in western Ukraine. After the Russians sabotaged Bucha’s power plant and began confiscating people’s phones, she lost contact with Sergey. For a month, as battles raged north of Kyiv, Havryliuk hoped and waited. On Sunday, Russian forces retreated from the area, and Havryliuk received news that Sergey was dead. On Monday, she went home.
  • Venía a poner exactamente eso, el testimonio de quien entierra a tanta gente.
    El relato de las dos primeras mujeres es inenarrable
  • Video appears to show Ukrainian troops killing captured Russian soldiers.

    NYT saca un vídeo de lo que parece un crimen de guerra por parte de los ucranianos.
    Como viene haciendo en todos los conflictos que cubre, Irak, Siria, Afganistán, Chechenia, etc
    Y no se desintegra el mundo ni nada, qué cosas
  • editado abril 2022 PM
    Amazingly, Ukraine's currency reserves hold up well at $28.1 billion.
    Russia's inflation has risen to 16.7%.
    En unos días descubriran que las banderas y las zetas no son nada nutritivas
  • editado abril 2022 PM
    Mapa diario
  • editado abril 2022 PM
    Army food rations in Russian supermarkets, even though the packaging explicitly says, "Not for sale."
    Siempre los más cutres

    Voluntarios rusos congregados en Tuva con botas de agua
    Er segundo mejón ehérsito der grobo va a terminar el conflicto usando palos afilados
  • editado abril 2022 PM

    Los rusos intentan colocar una batería artillera para batir Jerson
    En lo más llano y descubierto mientras lo esperaba la artillería ucraniana
    Adiós, batería rusa
  • Cuando las autoridades de Rusia dicen que la masacre de Bucha es un "montaje", ¿no se dan cuenta de que en Bucha quedan miles de vecinos con los que se puede hablar? ¿Se han puesto todos mágicamente de acuerdo para contar las mismas historias? En fin.
    Cuñaos sin fronteras
    Yo te lo explico. Reino Unido en Siria...
  • editado abril 2022 PM
    Khayman escribió : »
    Amazingly, Ukraine's currency reserves hold up well at $28.1 billion.
    Russia's inflation has risen to 16.7%.
    En unos días descubriran que las banderas y las zetas no son nada nutritivas

    En un contexto de dictadura total puede que los rusos acaben comprando la propaganda de Putin de que Occidente ataca al pueblo ruso.

    Con esto quiero decir que me parece muy necesario sancionar a los oligarcas que apoyan a Putin y a todo su entorno, pero cuidado con el boicot al pan de un pueblo que no es más que víctima del régimen de mierda que ha instaurado Putin en los últimos lustros. Que el objetivo es que el pueblo retire el apoyo a Putin pero éste hablará de que las sanciones no son suyas, sino de fuera.

    Me preocupa mucho tener de vecinos a una generación de rusos que odien a Occidente los próximos 50 años.
  • Según @derspiegel, la inteligencia de #Alemania habría interceptado comunicaciones entre oficiales rusos que sugieren que las matanzas en localidades como #Bucha fueron algo planeado por el #Kremlin.
    Al Tribunal de la Haya le gusta esto
  • editado abril 2022 PM

    Yo no haría mucho caso de lo que dice Anders Aslund, pero cada cual con su cuñadismo.
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