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Flores frescas. Hockney y el Ipad

editado febrero 2012 en Otras artes
David Hockney es uno de los grandes pintores contemporaneos britanicos, famoso sobre todo en los 60 y 70 por sus cuadros de paisajes y de chicos desnudos en piscinas, cuadros coloristas, ingenuos y muy pop.  :)



De pronto el viejo maestro, al que yo daba por muerto desde hace años  :rubor:, sale con una nueva exposicion, Fleurs Fraiches, flores frecas, un ironico titulo para arte hecho... con el iphone y el ipad.


Canvas is just so 20th century. That's the message of David Hockney's new Paris exhibition, where glowing iPads and iPhones — their screens a changing medley of still lives and landscapes created by the celebrated British artist on the "Brushes" application — replace traditional canvases.

Dozens of the apparatuses are bolted onto the walls, their flat screens aglow with drawings of jagged mountains, somber interiors and bouquets of flowers in eyepopping colors.

The show takes its name, "Fleurs fraiches" or "Fresh Flowers," from the still lives of bouquets, which feature vases full of dusty pink roses, purple tulips and butter-yellow lilies.

It's also a wink at the digital age immediacy of the exhibit, which will be updated periodically with new images — or fresh flowers — e-mailed by Hockney from "wherever in the world he happens to be," said curator Charlie Scheips.

Traducido, arte hecho con la aplicacion Brushes para Iphone e Ipad, y exhibido en pantallas digitales que se renuevan, las flores frescas  :)



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