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Lo de Rusia y Ucrania



  • Los británicos comandaron la defensa de Kiev el día que comenzó la operación especial, dijo la fuente.
    Es un campeonato de trolas y vamos por semifinales
  • editado mayo 2022 PM
    Ukraine's head of military intelligence, Major General Kyrylo Budanov, says the war with Russia is going so well, that it will reach a turning point by mid-August and be over by the end of the year.
  • $ 11.86 para escribir su mensaje en un mensaje ucraniano disparado a los rusos.
  • Low-res satellite imagery from yesterday (May-12) shows an unidentified vessel near the dock of Snake Island as well as what appears to be a burning Russian landing craft heading away from the island.
    Contra un país sin barcos
  • editado mayo 2022 PM
    Ukrainian 53rd Mechanized Brigade’s artillery scores a direct hit on a Russian AFV.
    Hay quien dice que los carros lo están haciendo tan mal que han dejado de tener sentido. Me parece una exageración, siguen teniendo mucha utilidad en entornos urbanos porque no se puede mandar a un grupo de gente con javelin a correr sin más protección que sus piernas.
    Pero sí es cierto que han perdido mucha importancia. Son caros y ahora absurdamente vulnerables.
    Por contra lo que ha ganado peso es la artillería de largo alcance y la absurda precisión que tiene si se combina con drones. Eso, más que ninguna otra cosa, es lo que está determinando el devenir de la guerra.

    The U.S. Army has stated that the war in Ukraine has proved the need for Long-Range Precision Fires (LRPF) systems, a collective term for long-range artillery and missiles.
    Weapons in these categories now sit atop the service’s closely protected list of modernization priorities.
    Los gringos toman nota al respecto
    Esto es lo mejor que han tenido siempre. Este tipo de flexibilidad les ha dado la ventaja más de una vez en condiciones adversas.

  • En el cruce del río se estiman casi 500 pajaritos fritos
    La escabechina es más gorda que en el hundimiento del Moscú

  • Un divulgativo y pedagógico general australiano retirado expone en un gran hilo el procedimiento a seguir en el cruce de un río. Al parecer es la maniobra con armas combinadas más compleja.
  • A group of online investigators is using artificial intelligence to expose apparent Russian war crimes. On Sunday’s @60Minutes, CBS’ Scott Pelley takes a closer look.
    Propaganda al dictado del canon de la KGB contra la información de fuentes abiertas que usa inteligencia artificial
    Más que predecible resultado
  • EU's Borell says Ukraine to receive another 500 million euros for military support from Brussels. The money will be spent on the procurement of heavy weapons
    Una guerra de desgaste contra el mundo en la que manda el poderoso caballero don Dinero
    Go home Russia, you're drunk
  • The #Omsk conscription office was pelted with Molotov cocktails thru windows at 4am last night. Fire extinguished. Much of the conscription database is stored on paper in such offices. 3rd-world country. These are #RussianResistance attempts to prevent #mobilization.
    Si solo es una operación especial de nada
  • I don't think you'll ever see a bigger weirdness:
    Russian Orthodox Church leaders blessing a rocket called Satan.
    ¿Y cómo mierdas se supone que debo comentar esto?
  • La Casa de la Cultura Darhachi en el Óblast #Kharkiv , que albergaba el centro de distribución de ayuda humanitaria, fue destruida ayer por un ataque con misiles rusos.
    La cantidad de munición guiada que tienen los rusos es cada vez más limitada y siguen con las mismas prioridades
    Tienen asumido que van a perder, de lo que se trata es de hacer el mayor daño posible
  • Se asistió a sí mismos durante dos días (era médico) hasta que finalmente murió debido a la pérdida de sangre sin haber sido evacuado de la Isla de las Serpientes. Terrible.
    Los cabeza de bolo intentaron convencer al personal de que el contrataque en la Isla de las Serpientes se saldó para los ucranianos de manera catastrófica
  • The Russian patriot:
    - Are you patriot?
    - Yes.
    - What you can do for the homeland?
    - Everything.
    - Ok, we have this list with patriot people, give me your data and in case of total mobilisation...
    He run away
    - Wait, why?
    Mucho te quiero, perrito, pero pan poquito
  • Ukrainian dogs are obviously equipped much better than rusnya
  • editado mayo 2022 PM
    El cabeza de bolo de guardia dándole voz al MoD ruso:
    el supuesto contraataque de UKR en las isla de las serpientes ha salido fallido, con muchas bajas de UKR
    La tozuda realidad:
    Recordatorio de que durante días los fanboys de Moscú estuvieron con el cuento de que las lanchas y el helicóptero destruidos en Snake Island eran ucranianos. Ya están enterrando buzos de combate rusos.

  • 60.000 ucranianos no pero si se esfuerzan igual pueden embolsar un gallinero y una cuadra. Ojo con eso.
  • FSrIIbPWAAILEo7?format=jpg&name=large
    Gallinas sin cabeza
    Se les desató tal tormenta encima que intentaron cruzar directamente sin usar los pontones
  • Russians put a dog in a washing machine, then threw a grenade inside and blew it up.
    Makariv, Kyiv region.
    Una granada desperdiciada contra un perrete es una granada que no se usa contra personas. Ni tan mal
    Pero ya les vale, ya
  • On 1st March russian troops shot a column of four cars with children near Buzova village, #Kyiv region. These are the memories of a family who was in the car with a baby.
    These things are impossible to forget.
    El vídeo de como empiezan a disparar al convoy, el niño llorando aterrorizado, se dan la vuelta y escapan a toda velocidad. Luego, con tranquilidad, da los detalles.

    Estos mismos son los que los Hijos de Puta Sin Fronteras te decían que eran abatidos por la espalda por los ucranianos para usarlos de escudos civiles.

    ¿Va a servir de algo el vídeo al respecto? No, seguirán con el mantra no matter what.
  • editado mayo 2022 PM
    En la tele rusa tienen a Suecia y Finlandia en el repertorio. "¿Han olvidado los suecos cómo se revolcaron en los pies de [la embajadora soviética] Kolontai, rogándole que persuadiera a Stalin de no ajustar cuentas con Suecia por su apoyo a la Alemania nazi? ¡Le rogaron!"
    "Stalin se apiadó de ellos, ¡y en vano! También se apiadó de los finlandeses. Espero que la próxima vez que firmen el acuerdo de rendición, no haya ningún gesto de buena voluntad ni ganas de acompañarles con la esperanza de que lo entiendan".
    Jerjes es menos magnánimo que tío Iosef
  • Babushka Z: Russia’s newest pro-war propaganda poster girl regrets waving red flag


    In early May, the Russian media disseminated a video of an elderly woman coming out of her gate to soldiers waving a red flag. But they turned out to be not Russian, but Ukrainian soldiers. So, they trampled the flag but gave the woman some food instead.

    Russian propaganda grabbed the hot footage with the red flag and turned the grandmother into a living symbol of a “pro-Russian Ukraine,” a woman “courageously standing up to the nationalists,” in line with its official propaganda narrative of justifying its invasion with a mythical “denazification” of Ukraine.


    Nicknamed “Babushka Z,” (“Grandmother Z,” after the letter used by Russian invaders on their equipment), the elderly lady is now featured on Russian posters and murals and even has a few monuments in Russian cities. This woman, whose actions the Kremlin twisted to fit its narrative, became an important symbol for Russia, where the Soviet past is glorified while Communist crimes are swept under the carpet.

    A monument to “Babushka Z” was erected in Belgorod, Russia. And on May 4, the occupiers unveiled the same monument in Mariupol, Ukraine, with the participation of the head of the political bloc of the Russian presidential administration, Sergei Kirienko, and the secretary of the United Russia General Council, Andrey Turchak.


    What actually happened
    In reality, it were Ukrainian soldiers who shot the video.

    The grandmother, who lives in a village near Kharkiv, came out to them with a Soviet flag because she didn’t understand who they were.

    She says she was waiting for them and “prayed for you and for Putin. And for all the people.”


    Ukrainian soldiers gave her food in the exchange for flag, and the woman tried to return the food, saying “you need it yourself.” One of the soldiers took the red flag from her and trampled it with his feet. The grandmother then returned the food package, saying that her parents died for that flag. Trying to understand her views, the soldiers learn that she has not received her pension in two months. The woman believes that Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is to blame for this, because “he did not find common ground” with Putin.

    Later, another video appeared, in which the couple discussed the possibility of evacuation with the Ukrainian soldiers. At that moment, Russian troops were five kilometers from the village. The grandmother and her husband did not want to leave home, especially their dogs and cats. Russian propaganda interpreted this as a reluctance to live in Ukraine.

    Russian propaganda


    Shortly speaking, Russian propaganda created a mythological image of a Ukrainian pensioner.

    Russian media picked up the footage of the grandmother carrying the red flag out of the yard and turned it into a symbol of the Russian Army receiving a hospitable welcome in Ukraine, while the Ukrainian forces get rejected.

    The propagandists said that the grandmother lived in the village of Dmytrivka in Kyiv Oblast, but after the village was liberated by Ukrainian troops, she was allegedly taken to Russia by her son.


    And when the Ukrainian authorities found the grandmother and talked to her, the Russian propagandists wrote that she was captured by the Ukrainian Security Service and forced to tell a lie. It urges Russian special forces to abduct her and bring her to Russia.

    Ukrainian Center for Strategic Communications found “Babushka Z”


    Ukraine’s Center for Strategic Communication found “Babushka Z” and talked to her.

    In the video they shared, the woman whose name is Hanna, sits with her husband in a ward of a Kharkiv hospital. The correspondent reports that the couple was evacuated after a Russian mine hit their yard.

    Hanna explained to the correspondent that she believed the red Soviet flag was actually Russian.

    According to Hanna, she came out to the Ukrainian military because she thought they were Russian occupiers and tried to “reconcile” with them with a red Soviet flag so that they would not “destroy” the village and Ukraine. But now she feels like a “traitor.”

    She says she believed what by the local priest of the Moscow Patriarchate was telling, likely meaning that he was sharing pro-Russian propaganda with her.


    In addition, a soldier of the 22nd Battalion of the 92nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the call sign “Cadet” helped Hanna and her husband to evacuate from their home.

    Contrary to Russian propaganda, Hanna’s son did not take her to Russia, and she herself says that the Russian army shelled her house.

    The woman’s house, located in a village near Kharkiv, is now destroyed by an enemy mine.

  • Graffiti-in-Tula-Grandma-red-flag-Russian-invasion-Ukraine.jpg

    But now, the elderly lady has nothing but regrets:

    “Putin doesn’t need people, Ukrainians, he just needs the land. I understand the guy who trampled the red flag. They are protecting us, dying, and I am there with that flag…”

    She regrets that she became a celebrity in Russia:

    “It would be better if there were no celebrities, and there would be no war.”

    Why the symbol?


    Russia hoped that Ukrainians would welcome its soldiers, who were allegedly “liberating” Ukraine from “Nazis,” with open arms and flowers. But during more than two months of the war, this has not yet happened in a single Ukrainian city.

    The image of “Babushka Z” fueled the Russian propaganda narrative that Ukrainians welcome Russian occupiers as “liberators.” As well, it turned a confused elderly woman into a poster girl of the Soviet “Great Patriotic War” myth, the main nation-forming narrative of contemporary Russia, where Soviet dictator Stalin is glorified and Soviet crimes whitewashed as President Putin seeks to resurrect the USSR.

    This “pro-Russian Ukraine” is the true Ukraine that Russian soldiers are “liberating” from the shackles of “Ukrainianness” and “nationalism,” the propaganda narrative implies — and thus, the brutal invasion of Ukraine, which both brings unspeakable misery to Ukrainians and kills Russian soldiers, as well as strains the Russians under the burden of sanctions, is justified.

    However, even the story of this grandmother shows that Ukrainians do not want this future. Especially after the start of the invasion, Ukrainians overwhelmingly reject the Soviet past and view the Russian invasion as a genocide. Moreover, in occupied cities in southern Ukraine, unarmed locals kept protesting the Russian invasion even as the Russian troops fired on them.

    The fact that Russian propaganda hails this elderly lady who now regrets waving the Soviet flag as a poster girl of a “pro-Russian Ukraine” is more than anything a sign of despair: Russia was so unwelcome in Ukraine that its propaganda media could not find even one real Ukrainian cheerleader of its invasion.


    La propaganda rusa se quiere agarrar a cualquier clavo ardiendo y pasa lo que pasa. Que vuelven a quedar en evidencia.
  • Proyectiles de artillería en Ucrania. "Venganza por el MH17", el avión comercial que transportaba a 193 pasajeros holandeses y que fue derribado por Rusia en 2014, escrito en el caparazón en holandés.
    Siembra vientos y recoge tempestades
  • editado mayo 2022 PM
    Khayman escribió : »
    En la tele rusa tienen a Suecia y Finlandia en el repertorio. "¿Han olvidado los suecos cómo se revolcaron en los pies de [la embajadora soviética] Kolontai, rogándole que persuadiera a Stalin de no ajustar cuentas con Suecia por su apoyo a la Alemania nazi? ¡Le rogaron!"
    "Stalin se apiadó de ellos, ¡y en vano! También se apiadó de los finlandeses. Espero que la próxima vez que firmen el acuerdo de rendición, no haya ningún gesto de buena voluntad ni ganas de acompañarles con la esperanza de que lo entiendan".
    Jerjes es menos magnánimo que tío Iosef

    Europa de rodillas y sus lideres ya postrados ante la grandeza del líder supremo Stalin, suplicaban benevolencia ante el justo castigo que merecían por sus pecados, y el gran padre del pueblo ruso en un gesto de piedad inigualable, les perdonó la vida. Pero los muy pérfidos sólo demostraron con el tiempo, que no eran merecedores de tal indulto, y que el camarada de todos los obreros, debió llegar la liberación proletaria incluso hasta Lisboa, para que todos los pueblos pudieran disfrutar del paraíso soviético.

  • Finland's President called on Putin to announce that Finland would apply for NATO membership in the coming days.
    Sounds like a mockery
  • russian propagandist Skabeeva threatens #Poland with loss of independence.

    Every day russian TV throws new threats.
    En la tele rusa a la Skabeeva se le hace el chumino pepsicola pensando en anexionarse Polonia
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